Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pecka Kucka Presentation

On Friday, February 11, 2011, I presented a talk on "Contemplative Art" 
at a Pecka Kucka event at the Old Firehouse Gallery in Longmont, CO.  
I had a great time, talking to a standing-room-only crowd at the gallery.
So what is a Pecka Kucka?    "Pecka Kucka" means "chit chat" in Japanese and it is a unique presentation format that has taken off around the world, as presenters delve into their personal lives to explore how they can creatively portray their passion about a subject in 20 images presented in 6 minutes and 40 seconds.  Longmont is one of 378 cities around the world participating in this event.
Of course, my subject was "Contemplative Art".  
And I was one of ten people who were the presenters at the first Longmont Pecka Kucka event.
Here are two photos:

Standing-Room-Only Crowd
Giving the Presentation

Here's the video from the event:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this - we enjoyed watching your presentation since we didn't see it that night.

