Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Boketto Exhibition Closes Early

Because of the coronavirus, the Boketto Exhibition closed on Saturday, March 14.

With deep appreciation to everyone who visited D'art Gallery during the exhibition of work by Lisa Calzavara and Suzanne Frazier, the exhibitions "Shadow's Breath" and "Boketto" have closed a week early due to the Coronavirus health situation. Thank you to everyone who was able to see the show the 3 previous weeks.

In the best interest of both the artists and the visitors to D'art Gallery, the gallery will remain closed until further notice. We are hoping that by May 21, we can open the doors to the gallery.

If things improve, then D'art Gallery will open sooner.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Video of "Boketto" Exhibition by Suzanne Frazier at D'art Gallery

900 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO 80204

Exhibition Dates:  February 27 - March 22, 2020

Gallery Hours: Thursday, Noon to 5pm, Friday, Noon to 9 pm, Saturday, Noon to 5 pm, Sunday, 1 pm to 4 pm.