Monday, November 21, 2016

Art Students League of Denver Exhibition

200 Grant St, Denver, CO 80203

Exhibition Dates:  November 18 - December 28

In honor of the 30th Anniversary of the Art Students League of Denver, the 30 X 30 Exhibition was held in the foyer of the art building. I remember when the Art Students League of Denver started in a warehouse in LoDo way back when I participated in the Live Figure Drawing gatherings on Wednesday nights. Now they are located in an elementary school building. It's a great space. I was delighted to be included in the show.

"Foggy Morning Light"
12" x 12" oil painting

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Impasto Art Gallery Exhibition

2015 Ionosphere Street, #104, Longmont, CO

Exhibition Dates:  November 4 - December 9

I am so happy to be back in the old studio neighborhood in Prospect at Amy Mathews' Impasto Gallery.

(Left to Right)  "Boulder Creek Moonlight",
"Boulder Creek Winter" & "Boulder Creek Sunset"
12" x 12" oil paintings